I write about topics like personal branding, thought leadership, content marketing, perspectives on building a business, and more.

Creating a Thought Leadership Tidal Wave
When you hear the term “Thought Leader”, who comes to mind? One of my favorites is Arianna Huffington.
The ROI of Brand Awareness
When you can’t remember the name of an actor or a musician, what do you do? You “Google”
Using LinkedIn for Personal Branding
Jeff Bezos once said, “Your brand is what people say about you when you are not in the
Five Steps to Building Your Personal Brand
What do Martha Stewart, Mindy Kaling, and Billie Eilish have in common? Besides being incredibly successful women, they
Why is Branding Important for Nonprofits?
When you hear the word “brand” what do you think of? Most likely you think of a large corporation like Amazon, Disney, Coca-Cola, or Apple. You may think of the Nike swoosh or the Target bulls-eye. Do you think of a nonprofit or charity organization? Probably not. But I’m here to tell you that brand is as important for nonprofits as it is for any successful company.