Peapod Playlist

Because marketers work best
when they have a great soundtrack.

Hello, friends —

May 13 is my birthday. 

Have I mentioned how much I LOVE birthdays? I always think of them as my own personal mini-reset on the year.

When I transitioned to running Peapod full-time over five years ago, one of the non-negotiable rules I gave myself was to always take off on my birthday, no matter what day of the week it happened to be. 

As I’ve gotten older (43, represent!) I’ve realized just how pivotal of a year 1994 was for me in terms of music. I could say so much more, but thanks to some friends, an older boyfriend, and a college-aged family friend who studied in London that year, I got exposed to so much incredible music at a time where I was really determining my own music tastes. 

And, since 1994 is my Golden Birthday year, I thought it was only appropriate to make songs from 1994 (and let’s be honest, a little from 1993) the Peapod Playlist this month. Grunge and alternative rock weren’t going anywhere, Brit pop and Tori Amos was in my headphones the most, and I was beginning a journey into a lifelong love of hip hop and rap music.

Enjoy the playlist, friends! 

May 2024: Mel's Golden Birthday Edition!